Upcoming Clubs’ Night a must-go for all member organizations


Every semester, ASBG provides an opportunity for all Delta College club members to mingle and raise money, while still managing to keep it fun and entertaining.

What is the theme this semester? Simply put, club pride. Members can come decked out in attire that represents the club that they are affiliated with.

“The purpose of Clubs’ Night is to foster social networking between the different clubs,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Julius Watters.

Club members are invited to sign up for a night of a free dinner with entertainment.

“We also give the clubs a chance to win money with games and competitions,” says Watters.

This semester’s Clubs’ Night will be held on March 4 in Danner Hall.

Registration begins at 4 p.m. and events are held from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.