Changes in personnel include move for Wetstein


Due to a major employee reclassification announced at the Sept. 13 San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees meeting, four employees were replaced and two resigned.

Dr. Matthew Wetstein, former Dean of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness, is taking over as the Interim Dean of  Agriculture, Math and Science, effective this week.

Wetstein is replacing Dr. Bill Fellner who retired on Sept. 30.

Wetstein’s background is in political science, but he has been dean of planning and research at the college, and has helped obtain two federal grants totaling more than $5.8 million to support science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs at the college for the last three years.

In the past, Wetstein has also served on the city of Stockton’s Civil Service Commission and Equal Employment Commission, and was a leader in the Academic Senate and California Teacher’s Association while working as a professor.

Wetstein has shown a passion for his new position.

“I am excited about working with the outstanding faculty in the division, and to spending more time interacting directly with students and with professors in the work that they do,” he said.

In order to focus more on his new duties, Wetstein is resigning as the chair of a couple committees.

The Policies and Procedures Committee will be taken over by Catherine Mooney, director of Admissions and Records.

The Planning and Budget Committee will be co-chaired by the college’s Controller Raquel Puentes-Griffith and assistant Superintendent Dr. Kathy Hart.