Editorial: Communication survey step in right direction


One of the most common issues here at San Joaquin Delta College is the lack of communication on campus.

The Collegian has noted this several times in editorials and stories over the past year.

Many on campus do not know what is going. The others seem to not even care.

But they should care about what happens at Delta College. We should all care.

This is why we applaud the district for taking steps toward improving campus communication, specifically for sending out a survey for the campus community on the subject.

The college is sought the public’s input via an online anonymous survey that ended earlier this week.

The purpose of the survey is to collect information on the quality and effectiveness on the district’s existing communication system.

The survey consisted of rating the frequency of use, timeliness, and effectiveness of the various methods of communication used at Delta College.

Also questions regarding the best and preferred sources used to communicate different types of information such as shared governance meetings, changes in programs and college events, were included.

This survey is one way to address the college’s Strategic Goal #4: “In order to improve the effectiveness of college operations, develop and implement a communication plan that provides regular, timely, open and transparent communication among all internal and external stakeholders.”

Acting President/Superintendent Dr. Kathy Hart said in a previous Collegian article the process of this communication goal, and her other campus goals, will be monitored.

We hope the survey helps make changes to campus that result in a more informed community.

And while all problems won’t disappear over night, we at The Collegian think it’s a step towards the right direction at fixing the communication problem here at Delta College.