Shima under construction


Program moved for ‘positive’ change to campus

Students returned to campus this semester to find new construction in the Shima center.

Shima building was built in 1976, according to the 2005 Stockton Campus Master plan.

Since the construction of the new math and science building, the CAT program has been moved across campus to the Holt building.

The CAT program is a four-year training program where students work, and attend classes as an apprenticeship.

The students are required to attend summer classes in order to maintain participation in this program.

This relocation is not permanent, the program will be moving back to the Shima side of campus upon completion of the construction.

“We know the end result so we are willing to participate”, said Larry Paulsen, member of the CAT program, AG Engineering/ Small Engine. “This
building is a positive thing.”

The timing behind the construction is sparking many students’ curiosity.

Delta has been planning to improve this portion of campus for some years now with blueprints for a five-year construction plan being made in July of 2008.

Placement of the new math and science building was difficult for campus officials. The building is being built to replace the outdated laboratory spaces in the Cunningham center.

Discussions of the purpose of this newly liberated space have varied from recreational to educational.

The construction is planned to be ready by 2014-15.

The building has not been remodeled since the 1970s.

Should there be concern for the spreading of asbestos?

It is highly unlikely that any one of us will encounter asbestos due to precautions taken by the construction crew spraying the building down with water as they continue to tear it down.

They are being extremely careful as the process continues.

If you find yourself walking towards hallways that lead to nowhere, first, stop walking towards them.

Secondly, know that this construction will be over soon. With an estimated finish in Jan. 2014.