‘Zone’ gives student athletes key to success


Looking for an alternative place to receive tutoring and study quietly in a friendly environment, with computer access?

Then make your way to The Zone.

The Zone is located in Budd 205.

It’s an area for student-athletes to study with teammates and other athletes who play separate sports, as well as a mandatory study hall for athletes to complete their minimum of three hours weekly requirement.

Not a student athlete? All students can study there as well.

Whether it be tutoring, computer access, limited textbook use, The Zone provides all the resources to study.

With the addition of The Zone three years ago, many student athletes have been able to form tighter bonds with teammates in addition to on-field relationships.

The Zone allows athletes to be among students like themselves who want to excel in sports along with academic success.

“Here at The Zone, student athletes must study in The Zone for three hours per week…maybe more, depending on how many units they’re enrolled in” said Teresa Gutierrez, instructional support assistant in The Zone. “I have really seen the benefits to the athletes with tutors being available to help them with their math, science, and general ed.”

The Zone was created by the Physical Education Recreation Athletics (PERA) Division, for athletes to study.

To insure students have the best assistance on campus at Delta College, The Zone has a staff of athletic coaches, trained tutors, and instructional support assistants.

Student athletes take advantage of the services provided in The Zone and don’t mind spending required hours per week.

“I feel like The Zone is a good place for student athletes who fall behind on their homework all the time” said Natalie Lambert, a forward on Delta’s women soccer team. “A lot of people are in The Zone for more than three hours, even though it’s mandatory to do 3…I do more than three hours, but it depends on how many classes you have. The more classes you have, the more studying you should do”.

Both Men and Women, who play sports at Delta College have been able to apply what they have learned from the tutors in The Zone, to what their faced with in the classroom. “I’ve seen my grades improve with the help I receive in The Zone” said DeMarieya Nelson, a versatile tight end for the Delta Mustangs Football team.

Nelson added: “If you need a tutor all you have to do is ask, there are plenty of tutors to help.”

“Well, I think we all perform better when there’s some degree of oversight” said Gary Barlow, head coach of the Mustangs football team. “There is always someone in The Zone, insuring that the studying environment is appropriate.”