Movies that define a summer?


Nostalgia of long days, cool theaters make season

Ever since I can remember I’ve always loved the summer movie season.
Those magical four months where school had just ended, Slurpees are en vogue and the joy of seeing the years biggest blockbusters in a darkly-lit air-conditioned theater with a jug of Coke and a bucket of movie-theater popcorn.
This summer is looking to be jam packed and full of a lot of great flicks.
“Iron Man 3” came last week with another big release nearly every week to two weeks coming up, including “The Great Gatsby,” “Star Trek,” “Man of Steel,” “World War Z” and “Pacific Rim.”
But not all summer seasons are equal,  and I’ve experienced a lot of great ones
But which are the summers in my lifetime that brings back the most nostalgia and memories?

One movie, two words: “Jurassic Park.”
This film is more responsible than any other in my early childhood to making my love of celluloid become a full-formed obsession.
Across the way from the Modesto mall there was once a discount theater.
I must have seen that movie 20 times over the span of the summer, every weekend my grandmother indulged me all the way up to the week before the film was released on VHS.
I asked if we could see it on the big screen just one last time, and I got my wish earlier this year when it was re-released in 3D in theaters.

I still cant comprehend how amazing and important that summer was.
Sure it had some disappointments (looking at you “Crystal Skull”) but it was just a hurricane that left my wallet light, my popcorn intake dangerously high and my nerdiness wholly satisfied and awed.
In the end all I have to list “The Dark Knight” and “Iron Man” and you’ll remember how flipping sweet that year was. Those two comic book films changed the genre forever, in unique ways.
Add to that a good Hulk movie, “Wall-E,” “Tropic Thunder,” “Kung Fu Panda” and the imaginative “Hellboy 2” and it can be easily said it was a good summer.