Stronger security a focus in colorful design of new hundred-dollar bill


On Oct. 8, the Federal Reserve began issuing newly designed $100 bills to banks and financial service providers.

Despite news reports introducing the bill, a majority of people had no knowledge of the new bill or the release date.

Many cashiers were unaware of the new note, which looks vastly different than the previous $100 bills.

The reason for this decade-long redesign is to stay ahead of the counterfeiting curve.

“The new design incorporates security features that make it easier to authenticate, but harder to replicate,” said Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve board governor, in a news release.

The new bill includes security features such as a woven blue 3D ribbon that bears the image of the Liberty Bell, which changes to the number 100 when shifted from side to side and front to back.

Another security feature is a color-changing bell on the front of the note. When tilted, the bell changes from copper to green giving it an illusion of disappearing and reappearing.

Delta College student Hakeem Hopkins doesn’t like the style of the new bill.

“It looks like foreign currency,” Hopkins said.

Just like with all new implementations there are minor kinks, which can be worked out once the money begins to circulate through daily transactions.

It can be somewhat of a hindrance, when the store line you are in is held up because the clerk has to call a manager to verify one of the new bills.

In this technologically savvy world, maybe people would have gotten the message faster if someone had sent out a worldwide tweet.

Delta College student Aaron Jones disapproves of the new design.

“It looks like oppression not prosperity,” Jones said.