Two Little Lines: Mood swings inconvenient, but can be used to advantage


Heidi Sharp, 22, is a part-time Delta College student and part-time barista. She married her high school sweetheart, Wesley, in 2012. The same year, the couple purchased their first home in Stockton. Now, thanks to two little lines on a pregnancy test, the Sharp’s are expanding in July.

One of the most common stigmas about pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, are the mood swings.

I’ve already experienced one.

I had a great, peaceful night with my husband watching Netflix on the couch. Then, out of nowhere, I psyched myself into this crying fit about a hypothetical and unlikely situation.

I was sobbing things that didn’t make sense to my husband.

Poor guy, right?

Some days I feel wonderful, and have a blast of energy and motivation to do everything. On those days I could likely build the entire Empire State Building by myself.

Other days, I am a slug who hates life and everything in it.

I want to hide in my bed with my cat and never see the light of day.

But in real life, we have to cope and deal with our problems and make it work.

The best solution to this problem that I have found for pregnant women (and women in general I suppose) is to use your “up days” to your absolute fullest.

Have a major project that needs to be done? Or do you need to get to those once-a-week chores? Get them done.

I don’t even care if they aren’t on your “scheduled day of the week” to do them. Vacuuming is supposed to be on Wednesday but its Monday? I don’t care! Do it now, because on Wednesday, when you feel like being a sloth all day long, it will not get done.

When your hormones are working in your favor-use them to the full potential!

Throw on an episode of TLC’s “Hoarders: Buried Alive.”  I have found that watching this show, and using the feature on Netflix where it simply plays through the entire season without having to do anything, really motivates me to clean my entire house when I feel so inclined.  Seeing those messy houses makes me want to go throw something away!

So when you end up in a slump (trust me it will happen), more things will already be done.

Knowing things are already done may help you feel a bit less stressed and overwhelmed while in the slump.