Former Par Course fitness trail is missed at Delta Campus

DAYS OF FITNESS PAST: Almost nothing remains of the old Par Course trail now. What's left is slowly being reclaimed by campus foliage. PHOTO BY CHRIS HOWZE

Before the times of new buildings and fancy cosmetic tune-ups, Delta College had a Par Course fitness trail that surrounded the campus. It was a 1.91 mile track that had 18 stations. Each station featured a different stretch or exercise.

DAYS OF FITNESS PAST: Almost nothing remains of the old Par Course trail now. What's left is slowly being reclaimed by campus foliage. PHOTO BY CHRIS HOWZE
DAYS OF FITNESS PAST: Almost nothing remains
of the old Par Course trail now. What’s left is slowly being reclaimed by campus foliage. PHOTO BY CHRIS HOWZE

The benefits to the community were great, it was self-paced, self-directed, and available to anyone who wished to use it.

The fitness trail has been apart of the Delta College since the trail was built in approximately the 1970s, and different exercises included sit-and-reach, pull-ups, dips, and balance walks.

Unfortunately, due to lack of maintenance to each of the stations, they have recently been been removed completely.

In an email interview with Zack Thompson, in Finacial Services, relayed that the equipment was not well maintained and could possibly been plagued with termites.

About two years ago, there was a brief attempt to install a brand new trail. It was Thompson’s idea to attempt to get financial backing from institutions that promoted health such as Kaiser Permanente or Sutter Gould Medical foundation. It was his belief that the project would move forward faster if the financial burden on the district was significantly lowered.

Unfortunately, the project was shelved by management.

“I have not pushed forward anymore as I was told that nothing would happen until all of the Measure L Bond projects were complete.” he said in the email.

Now that one of the major projects of the Measure L bond-the math and science building-is complete, the project could possibly be put back on the table.

“A couple of things the district would consider: 1. How much will the install cost? 2. How much will annual maintenance cost? (ie. labor, supplies, vandalism, etc.) 3. What potential injuries could occur and how could the district reduce that liability?” he said.

The cost of this project would be approximately $9000 plus shipping and installation. With financial backing from other sources and possibly a volunteer group to help with installation, the cost could be minimal to the district and the Par Course could once again bring fitness and outdoor exercise to the campus.