U.S. has no reason to hijack Malaysian plane, but theories abound


Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 may have been hacked in the world’s first “cyber-hijack.

The plane, missing since March 8, had 298 on board.
The plane is now reported as out of radar.
Why is it not showing on radar?
That is now one of the main questions.
Also a question: Where are the nearly 300 people that were on board?
Several hypotheses are out there about what happen to the plane.
Iran has accused the United States of being a part of the disappearance.
It begs the question: How would the U.S. benefit from hijacking a plane from Malaysia?
Of the passengers on the plane, 120 are considered Chinese. That would cause unnecessary conflict between China and the U.S.
The U.S. doesn’t hijack civilian airliners. Anyone inclined to think otherwise is hallucinating.
They are civilian passengers. It wouldn’t be wise to create a conflict with Malaysia and the U.S.
Malaysian officials said over the weekend that the plane’s disappearance was a deliberate act, and police started searching the homes of the jet’s pilot and co-pilot.
There is evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger’s Ukrainian jet.
Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov said his government would do “everything possible” to solve the crisis, according to CNN.
In Washington, President Barack Obama warned Moscow: “Further provocation will achieve nothing further to isolate Russia and diminish it place in the world.”
The plane’s disappearance is causing is an international affair.
“I still believe that there is only one solution of this crisis, a peaceful one” Yetsenyuk said on CNN. “But we offer peace and Russia offers war.”
War veteran and Delta student Steve McCarty likens it to a fencing match, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the first move by brandishing his weapon and taking the first swing.
In response, Obama is threatening to go to war, while trying to deflect the first blow.