Vasquez newly elected trustee for Area 4 board seat

SWEARING IN: Richard Vasquez is sworn in to the Area 4 Board of Trustees seat on Dec. 9. PHOTO COURTESY OF JIM VERGARA

Newly elected Board of Trustees District 4 representative Richard Vasquez credits his experience as a member of an arts committee and the Pets Advisory Committee for his successful campaigning.

SWEARING IN: Richard Vasquez is sworn in to the Area 4 Board of Trustees seat on Dec. 9. PHOTO COURTESY OF JIM VERGARA
SWEARING IN: Richard Vasquez is sworn in to the Area 4 Board of
Trustees seat on Dec. 9. PHOTO COURTESY OF JIM VERGARA

Vasquez says he spent five years on both committees building experience, but admits he was intimidated when running against incumbent and now former Board President Taj Khan.

Vasquez was elected to the seat during the November election, but the results weren’t finalized until weeks later.

Vasquez said he hopes to improve Delta’s quality for students, staff and the college itself, saying in an email interview he will “continue to seek opportunities to help improve my role as a trustee for Delta College.”

But how does a student defeat a seasoned board member with more experience?

Vasquez admits he did most of his campaigning in Lodi and advertised himself through precinct walks. He discussed his thoughts and opinions about the issues facing the college with the community, using the feedback to
direct his campaign.
“I felt confident because of my experiences with other elected political officers,” Vasquez said.

Being a younger representative, Vasquez said he believes being a student was one of the main reasons he was elected.

“I can develop a longer foundation as a trustee for the college,” he said.

His future plans include providing a voice for seeking land in Lodi for the college to expand.

He is also interested in proposing a new registration system, and eliminating the print card system.

Vasquez understands these projects will take time and commitment to accomplish.

“I’m glad I won and now can focus on my path in politics,” he said.