Are ‘leaks’ fluke or planned teaser?


In the past decade, we have seen a number of “leaked” albums, movies and television shows.

“Leaking” something can be defined as disclosing a secret, especially official, information, as to the news media, by an unnamed source.

These “leaks” are claimed to be accidental.

Should this be believed?

Many say the leaks are purposeful marketing techniques to get people talking about whatever it was we weren’t supposed to receive.

Artists such as Metallica, Radiohead, Jack White, Kanye West, Drake and Beyoncé have all had “leaked” content.

You might think fans would be excited about receiving content early.

This isn’t always the case.

Many fans preorder albums or movies. When leaked, people don’t pay for the content.

Those who want to save a few dollars are the benefactors of the leaks.

“Music has been outrageous to purchase and I think if they lowered the price to something so intangible … copyright wouldn’t be violated so much,” said Nikki Jimenez, a Delta student.

Most recently, Madonna’s new album “Rebel Heart” was released two months early due to leaked songs.

Six unfinished demos were stolen and broadcast all over the Internet in December.

Not wanting the whole world to think those were her finished product, Madonna decided to publish the full album as soon as possible.

Madonna’s manager said an investigation was underway and the whole team was devastated by the leak.

Criminal act or brilliant publicity scheme?

Two days after the release, “Rebel Heart” was No. 1 in almost every country.

Music is not the only form of entertainment “accidentally” getting released.

The Netflix original series “House of Cards” new season was released online for about 30 minutes on Feb. 11.

The third season of the hit online series wasn’t supposed to premiere until Feb. 27.

“Due to a technical glitch some Frank Underwood fans got a sneak peak. He’ll be back on Netflix on Feb. 27,” Netflix said after the leak.

Despite the claims of a glitch, this accident got a lot of people talking.

Was this a fluke? Or a planned teaser?

Our digital culture provides many outlets without enough gatekeepers.

Hackers, computer specialists and anyone with Internet access can find loopholes through systems, install glitches or access an infinite amount of ways to get a hold of something.

Are leaks now something we expect to happen because of the lack of security in technology?

Or is the media encouraging leaks by providing free advertising for entertainers?