Students hit mid semester sadness


It has come to that point in the semester where our class attendance is dwindling, midterms are over and finals seem miles away.

How do you stay motivated during this slump?

Do you remind yourself of your goals? Do you keep a diligent calendar? Do you make sure you take some time to chill out and reorganize your thoughts?

It seems that many students struggle to stay focused during this time.

“I write in my planner, all my homework assignments that I have to do,” said Machaela Wis- dom, a first-year delta student.

Staying organized is one of the key practices that helps students stay on top of things.

Make sure you keep a planner or notebook of some-sort, as Wisdom does, so you can always remember what you have coming up.

Another way to keep your motivation is to step back and remember why you are here.

We are all here for a reason.

Whether it be earning an associates degree, working towards a certificate or preparing for a new career path, we all are striving for achieve- ment.

“[I] know that I’ve got a good goal and that it’s all going to come to an end soon,” said Wisdom.

There is value in congratulating oneself.

If you give yourself credit for your accomplishments, your goal may not seem so insurmount- able.

“Look for a reward at the end. Reward yourself for doing good … If you do good on a test go to lunch with your friends or something. Just reward yourself in some way,” said Wisdom.