Personality shines beyond color of your skin


Racism. It’s a hot topic society is passionate about. It’s a topic stirring different emotions depending on one’s view.

And it’s a topic we need to analyze carefully.

So I’ll be frank: racism is alive but we shouldn’t allow it to dictate our lives.

The media is responsible for this escalation to the point the term “racism” and any of its variations are utilized in a dramatic fashion — anything or anyone can be deemed as ‘racist.”

It’s unfortunate how society generalizes racism easily.

Not all Caucasians are racist, not all policemen are bad and not all African Americans go to jail.
Generalizing what’s “racist” only hurts and encourages fear.

For example, one of our staff writers — who happens to be Caucasian — wanted to write this piece but was afraid of being generalized as “racist.”

Picture this scenario: You’re walking late at night and all of sudden an African American man who looks “suspicious” walks up to you.

What would you do? How would you feel? Would you be scared? Intimidated? Depending on your response, some would criticize you for being “racist.”

As an Asian American male and “minority,” I should be angry. I should be upset about how people can be “racist” against me for the shape of my eyes, color of my skin and hair.

I should be offended if someone calls me “gook,” “chink” or “Fresh Off the Boat.”

Honestly, I’m indifferent.

I’m not condoning, rather I don’t let people define me because of what they think my physical attributes and culture should or shouldn’t be.

I believe racism exists but I try not to let it affect me and my decisions.

Does that make me racist? You be the judge.

I’m not saying all of these recent “racially-aggravated” events shouldn’t be watered-down or down-sized, I’m saying we need to analyze these events carefully.