Records get broken at Big 8 Championship


The spring season has been good for both men’s and women’s swimming at Delta College.

The men’s team went 7-1 in dual meets and won three invitational meets.

Swimmer Julian Carvajhal placed first in the 100 yard Breaststroke at the Big 8 Championship, placed sixth in the 200 Breast and 13th in the 100 Breast at the State Meet.

Nathan Andrade placed 10th in the 1650 yard Freestyle at the State Meet.

The women’s team went 8-0 in dual meets, won three invitational meets and broke 10 school records.

Nine athletes qualified for the State meet and five placed in their individual events while seven placed in relay events.

At State Lindsey Kieffer placed 12th in the 100 Individual Medley with a school record, Jensyn Breakfield placed seventh and 10th in the 100 and 200 Breast, Kailie McHugh placed eighth in the 1650 Free with a
school record, Katelynn Vandenburg placed ninth the 100 Butterfly with a school record and Cassidy Waters placed 14th, 13th and 14th in the 50 Free, 100 Backstroke and 200 Back, all with school records.

“Our Team’s goals are always to perform at a high level, and build a stronger foundation for the following season. We wanted to win Big 8 Championships in individual events and qualify all relays to the State
meet,” said Coach Michael Maroney.

Maroney also said the key to the team’s success is placing responsibility on the athletes to improve their self-discipline.

“The athletes helped to monitor themselves and their mates,” he said. Maroney’s goals for the team next season includes winning more

championships, re-break school records and continuing to qualify all relays for the State meet.

“In order to achieve lofty goals, athletes must make many sacrifices. We expected this from our team,” he said.