Feminist Gloria Steinem claims girls only support Sanders for the boys


Feminist Gloria Steinem, 81, told a political commentator the reason young feminists are rallying with
Bernie Sanders is to meet boys.

Steinem appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to promote her new book “My Life On The Road” on Feb. 5, 2016.

When Maher asked her “why young women are against Hillary?” in reference to the 2016 presidential election her reply was surprising.

Steinem replies “when you’re young you’re thinking, where the boys? The boys are with Bernie!?”


Maher, taken aback by the comment replied, “Now if I said that you would swat me.”

This presidential debate has turned into the battle of the sexes.

It’s about the women who stand with the women, and the women who stand with the men.

Hillary Clinton’s platform, besides being the former First Lady, comes from standing for a lot of women’s issues.

Steinem did issue a statement on Facebook following the interview that said, “[I] misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what’s been misinterpreted as implying young women aren’t serious in their politics,” she goes on to say “what I had just said on the same show was the opposite: young women are active, mad as hell about what’s happening to them, graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay back, whether they gravitate to Bernie or Hilary, young women are activist and feminist in greater numbers than ever before.”

Clinton is here to uplift and empower women. There are a lot of young women who gravitate towards her for that reason.

Men don’t want to hear that, so they’re with Bernie or any of the other seven male candidates.

But what about the in-between woman?

The problem with most women’s issues is they don’t stop at women’s issues.

Many female activists fight for more than the surface level issues.

Liberal Democractic Senator Elizabeth Warren was the only female that didn’t attend Clinton’s fundraiser on Capitol Hill this past Monday, as well as the only female senator to not formally endorse Clinton.

Warren has been vocal in praising Sanders for standing what he believes in throughout the campaign. She’s a feminine threat to Clinton voters.

Sanders, who identifies himself as a socialist, touches base on a lot of issues that voters have been waiting to hear about. College students male and female have rallied for this man in support of his cause.

Steinem empowers the feminist support of Clinton’s supporters but discredits the women who are with Bernie.

In fact, women should be acknowledging that they are young voters whose interests lie all over the issues that are happening in America.

So the men are for Bernie and according to Gloria Steinem, if you’re there for Bernie you’re there for the boys.