Candidates keep it coming in ninth Democratic debate


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders put on their gloves on and went back into the metaphorical ring on Thursday, April, 14 as Brooklyn played host to the ninth Democratic debate.

The battle raged with more ferocity than other debate, with the recent backdrop of tension between the candidates coming forward, though most of what was said has been said in the other eight debates.

Sanders hit Clinton hard on the minimum wage, money in politics and campaign finance and once again broke the political mold, this time on Israel and Palestine.

CNN mediator Dana Bash also pursued Clinton on the transcripts of the speech she made to Goldman Sachs for $250,000.

Clinton hit sanders hard on a recent interview with the New York Daily, and Bash pursued Sanders on whether or not he could name a bill big banks might’ve persuaded her to vote for.  

Despite this, The New York Times published an article with analysts finding themselves basically unanimous in agreement; both Clinton and Sanders came out with their best attacks ready, and beat each other to a stalemate.

Clinton hurt herself by once again bringing up Barack Obama in her defense of taking special interest donations and refusing to release her Goldman Sachs transcripts using her old excuse of doing so when other candidates, including the Republican candidates, release their transcripts.

Sanders came through the debate without the negative reactions Clinton brought from the debates audience.

He still managed to find himself hit with his recent interview with the editorial board of the New York Weekly, in which he was unaware of how to break up the too-big-to-fail banks through the Federal Reserve, though it should be noted he detailed other ways to go about this, and received a left hook on his tax returns.

Despite Clinton’s lagging start at the beginning she was able to win back the crowd with her usual arguments of experience, as well as defending herself from Sanders’ claim that she had been beholden to big banks by calling on her time as a senator, in which she argued that there is not one bill favoring them.

Sanders’ got massive applause from the crowd after calling out Hillary after she attempted to claim she always supported the $15 minimum wage.

Overall, the debate did little for the candidates other than to net them some TV time and a moment to release some anger in each other’s direction, however it does highlight the fact that the democratic party is evenly split on who to vote for in getting the Democratic nomination and the tensions are rising.