Delta renovates campus for ADA Students


If you were trying to park in the Shima parking lot at the beginning of this semester, you may have been treated to the sight of long lines, and construction crews bobbing and weaving in and out the street.

Liza Bustillo, a first semester student at Delta College, was greeted with the chaotic scene only to have it topped off with confusing faded “no parking” signs and covered spots.

Jaden Henry developed patience over the days in which he waited for the traffic to clear and the construction crews to get out of the street.

While construction Shima parking lot is complete, renovations around the campus aren’t.

According to Gerardo Calderon, Vice President of Operations, the renovations happening now are simple phase two of a set of five phases, done in small chunks so as not to have major impact on students coming and going to class.

The pathway project is removing the faux-brick stamped concrete for a smoother surface.

The overall intention of the renovations to make the walkways more accessible disabled students, staff and visitors.  

“The goal of the renovations is establish a clear path of travels for students & instructors so that everythings is easier to walk through, less tripping hazard and it’s open to ADA students, instructors, and campus visitors,” said Calderon.  

The Shima lot was redesigned for the students who were parking in it to get to there classes in the Science & Math Building, with various upgrades such as a walkway and a crosswalk beacon near the winery.

The current projects include but are not limited to; new turf for the soccer and tennis fields, improved campus entrance parking lot, safety railing on stairs for increased safety, such as right outside Vice President Calderon’s office near the South Forum.

The staff has assisted students by not only just sending out an email warning them of the various projects being worked, but by adding proper signs directing students around the construction and help them on their way to class.

While the three other phases have yet to begin, the second phase of renovations being worked on on campus are scheduled to end by the end of October.