Political Edge #3


The Presidential election has finally picked as the debates ended Monday, Sept. 26 Donald Trump started the debate off with a decent amount of momentum, nailing Hillary Clinton on trade, and foreign policy.

However, soon after whatever momentum he had disappeared and Trump fell on the defensive.

Trump, by all accounts made himself look like a fool, for example when the conversation fell onto Trumps tax returns, and Clinton made the point Trump might not even have paid his taxes he interjected embarrassingly with the statement: “That makes me smart,”

Despite this, the debate was a pyrrhic victory for Hillary, as according to RealClearPolitics Clinton’s average in the polls only went up to 2.6 percent across the country.

According to Cristian Acosta, a Delta student, Hillary won the debate “Based off how she reacted to the questions, in terms of temperament, and how prepared she was for the questions. Whereas Trump was constantly interrupting, barely answering the questions and blabbering on.”

In the local political arena, The Record leaves Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva behind by endorsing Council Member Michael Tubbs for mayor for Stockton.

Furthermore Silva has declared Stockton a “war zone” and that he “declared war on” all the gangs and gangsters in Stockton including a plan to work with the police to do enforced gun sweeps over known gang affiliates.

Silva and Tubbs will face off in debate at San Joaquin Delta College in the South Forum October 14th, 2016.

Silva is under pressure as he has not earned any endorsements and has had a recent slowdown in donations starting June 5, as Silva only raised $1,500 from the local Plumbers and Pipefitters union whereas Tubbs has raised $78,000. Also he is still under investigation for allegedly recording a strip poker game without consent and providing alcohol to minors.

“With Silvas obvious issue in the past, also based on his performance I don’t know if he deserves the chance for an additional term quite honestly,” said Nick Wolters, another Delta student.