Mediators elevate the vote in Manteca


With Donald Trump urging voters to take the monitoring of elections into their own hands, some citizens are countering Trump’s watchdogs with a show of peaceful unity, participating in meditation flash mobs at polling places across the nation.

The Elevate The Vote, campaign was created by and spread through Facebook to encourage group mediations all over the country.

According to the website, 1.2 million Facebook followers and thousands of people committed to participate.

“Underneath all the things that divide us, we are one. I came here today to add my energy and focus to create a country that respects every life and will protect the Earth from short-sighted corporate greed,” said Anne Stuart of Manteca.

Stuart was with a group of six other meditators sitting in Lotus position outside of a voting site located at the United Lutheran Church.

Out of four polling places visited in Manteca on Tuesday morning, one included meditators, while zero showed signs of Trump’s “election observers.”