TSA checkpoints: A violation of our rights?


Can you imagine a time airports didn’t consist of full body scans, pat-downs and long lines in security checkpoints?

Since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the procedures people took before traveling in the United States completely changed as new security procedures in airports and other major transportation areas were implemented by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

TSA was created as a result of the attacks.

According to criminaljusticedegreehub.com, “the TSA is a division of the Department of Homeland Security (that was) founded in 2001 as a response to terrorism, the entity is responsible for handling traveler screening for all passengers.”

The airport security screening includes technology, checked baggage and, in some cases, the controversial pat-down.

Not all passengers are required to go through pat-down screening but instead it’s used as an alternative for passengers who decline AIT screening or vise-versa.

The most common reason for pat-downs is if metal detector goes off when the passenger goes through then a pat-down procedure is required.

Or a passenger may be “randomly selected” for a pat-down procedure.

If the passenger forgets to remove some sort of medal accessory or has a metal plate in their body well congratulations you have just earned a ticket to pat-down lane!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m aware of why security procedures are required but full body pat-downs is not a pleasant experience to have.

If you have ever experienced a pat down or have watched somebody close to you experience one you are well aware it isn’t the best situation to be in or the most memorable part of your trip.

Arguably, it’s humiliating, invasive and degrading treatment not only for the person who is patted-down but for the people around.

Having to go through this “procedure’” and not even being able to get an answer on why the individual is getting a full body pat-down sounds as a violation of basic human rights and privacy.

So where is TSA crossing the line between public safety and violating basic human rights?