Challenges uninsured Americans shouldn’t have to face


In 2017, the United States spent roughly around $3.5 trillion on healthcare.

That is $3.5 trillion being spent on a healthcare system that has no universal coverage for its citizens.

The 36.5 percent covered by the U.S. government are insured through Medicare, Medicaid, or military care.

Altogether, 89.6 percent of Americans are covered by some sort of health insurance but what about the 10.4 percent of citizens who can’t afford or qualify for health care?

A simple visit to the doctors office for someone who doesn’t have health care can cost from $150 to $200.

On top of that, medications cost money too.

If a citizen doesn’t have health insurance and has asthma, for example, they would be paying about $60 dollars for the inhaler, which is something their life can depend on.

For diabetics whose lives literally depend on Insulin, the inflated cost of the drug causes an unnecessary stress which could be eased by accessible healthcare.

If a citizen without insurance can’t afford to go to the doctors to get a prescription they also have to pay for, that can lead to a higher cost of a hospital bill.

The average cost of a one night hospital stay in America can be more than $10,000.

When is our country going to recognize we need universal healthcare coverage for all of its citizens? Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act is just that.

The idea is for all citizens to have access to affordable healthcare.

It is regrettable the current presidential administration wants to repeal it, when Affordable Care Act recipients speak highly of it.

As citizens, we have to make sure our voices are being heard, especially on issues like healthcare. Everyone is affected.

If you’re under your parents health insurance, once you’re 24 you’re on your own. Or when you’re a senior citizen, your health care can change with its benefits.

Although some might not be in this category, let’s help speak for the 10.4 percent of Americans who are our neighbors who don’t have coverage, when they should as a basic human right.