Food pantry provides options for students

Food stocked on shelves in Delta College’s food pantry in Stockton, Calif. on Oct. 2. Photo by Hannah Workman.
Food stocked on shelves in Delta College’s food pantry in Stockton, Calif. on Oct. 2. Photo by Hannah Workman.

The Delta Student Food Pantry is open to any and all enrolled Delta College students.

However, students are still discouraged to use this free amenity.

Some students feel that the Student Food Pantry is for only students and families that don’t have access to or enough money to buy food.

Jay Turner, a Delta College student, said he doesn’t “use the food pantry because [he] doesn’t think [the pantry] is for [him.]”

However, students should feel welcome to the pantry and are encouraged to take advantage of this free program.

Shayla Walker, Director of Student Activities, says it’s “good that students are [being] considerate” to other students, but the “only criteria [to access the Student Food Pantry] is to be enrolled” at Delta College.

According to Betsy Hooper, who works for the pantry, the pantry has had about 2,400 visits so far.

Another reason students are discouraged to use the pantry is because of the application process. 

Hooper says the application can be “frustrating because (students who have applied)w before have to apply again for the year.”

However, the application process is fast and easy. Students can apply online and are required to answers questions based on basic information, finances, and aid.

If students don’t have access to the internet, students can also visit the pantry in Shima 101 where they can apply using a computer in the pantry where they can also receive help while applying.

The Student Food Pantry is working to try to get more students involved, not only with enrollment but also donations.

Walker also said the pantry is “not just (supplied) by student activities. Students have supplied canned goods” and financial donations.

The Student Activities department has talked to professors, asking to spread the message to their classes the pantry is available to everyone, sent emails to student emails, have been active on social media, and have put up fliers around campus.