Library trading service’s discontinuation is a loss for students


Delta has lost a silent hero. Last semester, in October, the library discontinued a service called LINK+, which has hit me hard.

LINK+ provided an easy and free media service that allowed students to rent movies and books in various formats.! Now that it is on the outs, consider taking advantage of the options we still have before they disappear too. 

What was LINK+? Essentially it is an interlibrary loan between libraries in the state. FAQs, frequently asked questions, pages for LINK+ estimate over 60 libraries take part in the service, and both academic and leisure items are available for circulation. 

Delta students used to see the service from a drop down link on Delta’s library page. I found it easier to navigate than some of the databases we use for research.

It was a place we could rent movies, like all the Harry Potters, and new books that you didn’t want to buy, or weren’t in the Delta library. Those are just the mediums I personally used. Audiobooks, and music were also in the system. It was set up so you could order items from anywhere and wait on an email saying your order is on the way. 

Who knows what else other libraries lend out. I’d check, but access to any LINK+ information links are gone. 

According to Mary Weppler-Van Diver, librarian, associate professor and coordinator of public services, the service was discontinued because not enough students used it.

A similar program was discontinued several semesters ago, when the school cut subscriptions to popular magazines, like TIME. 

Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Libraries still use the LINK+ system. Students still also have an interlibrary loan option at the Goldman Library’s front desk.

Although interlibrary loans are still readily available to the public, Delta students should be paying close attention to what resources we lose as time moves forward.

Please find time to use this service, rent a movie or an album from the library. Continue to make use of our library so we can continue to have great resources.