‘Success Coaches’ among many resources available online for students


Delta College’s newly-hired Resource Specialists/Success Coaches are part of the college’s implementation of the Guided Pathways framework — a large undertaking. Each assigned to specific departments, the 19 specialists’ job is to help guide students through their education at Delta.

They’re still doing that — only now, against the backdrop of a global pandemic that has forced dramatic changes in how the college conducts classes.

Due to COVID-19, Delta College has had to take drastic steps to not only to reduce the risk of infection, but also help students transition to online classes. The success coaches are a large part of that effort.

“Please feel free to contact your success coach. This is not a class, you don’t belong to a class. We are just sending you information via this inbox. It’s because we want to open it up to you so that you can go ahead and connect with us, if you have any problems, questions or you get stuck with something, you let us know and will see what we can help you with. But if you have any issues with say online or just having problems, you want to talk to somebody because you’re going through that transition of becoming an on campus students to an online student and you need that extra support, please feel free to reach out,” said Marisol Jacquez Hernandez, a success coach assigned to the Communication and Languages Transfer and Career Pathway, better known as a TRaC.

The success coaches offer step-by-step instructions on how to use online tools such as Conferoom, a video conferencing tool available in Canvas. 

For students who don’t have internet access, Delta college is also offering additional opportunities to obtain free wi-fi which can also be accessed from the Delta College parking lots and passwords  can be found on canvas.

“Wi-fi is now available in the following lots:  H1, B1, B4, C5, & C6 – we are working on the range map and signage, stay tuned for more updates on our wi-fi expansion,” said Hernandez.


Other resources include free online tutoring through the regular on-campus centers, all of which are now online. 

NetTutor is also available to all Delta College students anytime, anywhere. It includes tutoring for all levels of English composition and math as well as many more. Availability varies for subjects other than English Composition and Math, you must login to NetTutor to find current availability.

For students looking at employment opportunities the CTE & Workforce Development Center has a variety of online learning tools to support students during the pandemic.