Professor adjusting to online transition while encouraging attention to mental health


Four weeks into Delta’s transition to all-online classes, professors continue to adjust, including professor of psychology Annaliza Lagrutta. Lagrutta is not only in charge of many classes at Delta College, she is also a part of the Active Minds club.

Professors have had to move all lectures and labs and online while taking into consideration the problems their students could encounter. 

“I made all attempts to give the student the same feeling and experience as if they are learning face-to-face. Trying to stay focused while a pandemic is occurring around you posed a lot of challenges, and I kept that in mind when setting the due dates for assignments with my students also,” said Lagrutta.

Communication between Lagrutta and her students changed immensely. After asking her students the best form of communication she decided “….to hold class drop-in sessions once a week for my students to discuss any class material and I have found many students do check-has.”

Lagrutta is trying to help her students as much as possible while staying on track herself. All faculty, like students, have had to adjust to work from home. 

“To stay on task, I have made it a habit to get up in the morning and get ready as if I was going to campus to teach. I make my ‘To-do list’ and take a break in between my regular scheduled classes. Taking these breaks helps me keep my focus and not get distracted by others in my home,” said Lagrutta.

Classes aren’t the only Delta activities that have moved online. Clubs have made the adjustment as well. Lagrutta knows how important it is to maintain one’s mental health especially at times like this, as she is a part of the Active Minds club.

As they continue to move forward Lagrutta would like people to know: “Our students’ mental health and well being is most important to the faculty advisors of Active Minds….The counseling office now has Cafe Connections on Zoom now on Fridays from 9-10 for all students.”