DREAMer’s Roadmap hosts a supply drive for farm workers and families

Supplies are distributed at a DREAMers Roadmap supply drive. PHOTO BY JAELYN MORALES
Supplies are distributed at a DREAMers Roadmap supply drive. PHOTO BY JAELYN MORALES

When enjoying your favorite meal, making dinner for your family or simply walking into a grocery store, there is something in common all three have– the hands that grow and bring the farm-to-fork. 

DREAMer’s Roadmap is an organization that helps undocumented students achieve a higher education after high school. CEO and founder Sarahi Salamanca takes pride in the work the organization has done.  

Salamanca takes pride in the work the organization has done. One such campaign is something the group calls “first of the month.”

“We raised $2.4 million in helping undocumentd and low-income families in the Bay Area to pay for their rents, mostly for families who didn’t qualify for stimulus checks or unemployment,” said Salamanca.

DREAMer’s Roadmap has extended their hands to other causes.

 #Supplies4FarmWorkers is a volunteer and donations lead event that supports farm workers and their families that are out in the fields working through all types of weather conditions and natural disasters to bring the farm-to-fork. 

DREAMer’s Roadmap was a dream for Salamanca herself. Being a child of immigrants, a higher education seemed almost un reachable to Salamanca after high school graduation. DREAMer’s Roadmap is her way of giving back and giving resources to the immigrant communities that struggle to find ways to give their children a chance at a higher education. 

“I’m an immigrant from Mexico. I came to this country when I was four years old. In my junior year of high school when I was trying to apply for college my counselor told me that people like me couldn’t go to college. So the inspiration for DREAMer’s Roadmap was my personal story,” said Salamanca. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has also hit the communities DREAMer’s Roadmap serves. 

“COVID-19 has affected our specific community on so many levels. Financially,  health-wise, psychologically. I think that’s why for us as a collective community to be doing this work. Most people of color are essential workers, so we’re more prone on going out and getting COVID, and if we get COVID we have no other avenue of getting support from the government because of our legal status,” said Salamanca

If there is any way you or anyone would like to help the cause, donations or volunteering opportunities are found on their website DREAMer’s RoadMap.

“Anybody from across the country, across the world can visit dreamersroadmap.org and donate directly there, you can send a check to our headquarters,”  said Salamanca.