Gen Z transforms the idea of manifestation


Old practices are finding new life thanks to Generation Z, such as crystal healing and tarot card reading. With their re-emergence it has caused a small uncertainty amongst religious groups.

What both these practices have in common is that they use energy to manifest.

A common misconception that gen z has developed involving both practices that has caused controversy amongst religious groups is the idea that manifestation is the same as prayer.

According to the Therapy Directory, an online counseling website with professional therapists in the UK, “Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client to help unblock, focus and direct energy.” 

Therapists at Everybody in Mind Wellness Center in Sudbury, Mass. is a Holistic Wellness Center that specializes in hypnotherapy, say Tarot reading  “is a way to answer people’s questions or counsel them on their concerns using a divination tool called tarot cards.”

Mystic Crystal Imports, an online shop based in Dana Point, California run by crystal experts, has defined manifestation as, “an ongoing process of creation that helps shape the fundamental energy of the universe.” It requires an individual to just sit back and wait for the outcome. 

In regards to using crystals to manifest, a structure is needed. Each crystal has its own unique power, together crystals absorb and radiate energy through one’s body by setting your intentions while meditating and practicing daily according to therapists and doctors at Mind body Green. 

Same with tarot cards according to blog writer and website owner of “The Awakening Mind,”Vekke Sind mentions that, we have to “visualize what you want, set your intentions and remove all self doubt to allow you energy to pass within you.”

The problem with this now, gen z does not understand that they need to separate manifestation and prayer from each other. According to Pop Culture Commentator Mark Douglas Doran, when dealing with prayer, “we are taught it deals with God who can hear us and if we ask him for something it will happen. but you have to believe in God to start with. it involves accepting the idea of there being a higher power over mankind and the earth. a power that can make anything happen, even miracles. even if it goes against everything we know about science.

Leading into manifesting  scientifically known as the  law of attraction, Doran mentions how, “the law of attraction only talks about an invisible energy within the universe. that pulls positive or negative energy together. and whatever you focus on will determine it.”

From a Christian point of view Reverend Alastair McCollum wrote an article in Times Colonist News that, “prayer is a difficult thing to explain,” because there is a lot of confusion up in the air regarding what it’s for and what it does.

“Prayer is, in the Christian faith and in many other spiritual traditions, a way of being and a way of relating. Prayer is a way of being: being in the moment, being present, being open. It is a way of learning to be ourselves. For the theist, it is learning to be in the presence of God, a presence that infuses every moment and every space – but one to which we devote our attention on order to encounter the Divine,” he said.

So why is manifestation different if you’re essentially putting out what you want and letting a higher power answer you?

Overall both practices are completely different and should not be conjoined together as identical.

If you look into manifesting always do thorough research, so that you understand the basics of it and the background information.