A.R.T. looks for creative types


On Feb. 9 Alpha Rho Tau, or the A.R.T. Club for short, hosted its first meeting of the semester.

“Club is a fun meet-up,” said Tara Danielson, vice president of the club. “We plan activities for our group like workshops, demos, visiting artists, art projects, community art volunteer, field trips, art sales, etc. At meetings we enjoy contributing to group projects, planning activities, food, and fun creative ‘shop talk’ on a variety of mediums.”

Last semester the A.R.T. took a field trip to the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento.

The club is in the middle of planning another trip, this time to the California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art in Davis, which runs April 29-May 1.

For students majoring in art or just interested in the visual arts, this is the club to join.

“I love being part of a group that shares my same interest in individual artistic development, as well as contributing to and encouraging the arts locally (on and off campus). With the art club, I am able to get more out of my time here as an art student, exposure to planning art events, workshops in various mediums, and learning tips from other students in ways I might not always get in a specific class,” Danielson said.

The club also encourages all students to visit the L.H. Horton, Jr. Gallery on campus.

The A.R.T. Club has arranged a “Mentors Show” at the gallery, a demonstration from artist Ehren Tool.

The event, which features two-hour sessions that begin at 10 a.m. and noon, is free and open to the public.

There will also be a raffle of cups designed by Tool. Each cup is a political statement on the war, inspired by Tool’s time in the military.

The A.R.T. Club meets every other Wednesday in the Shima sculpture room at 2:45 p.m.