Sweet treats from a growing business


Former Delta College student and entrepreneur Veronica Maydahl is proof that exploring creativity can lead to sweet success.

“I love the freedom to make my own decisions, I don’t have to go through any one but me…very liberating!,” said Maydahl of her chocolate-covered strawberry, gift basket venture Maddippers.

One holiday like so many others, Maydahl was asked to make a platter to bring to the family get together. Sick of the typical dips, veggie and cheese platters, she began to experiment with fruit and chocolate.

The response was astronomical, way more than she could have ever expected.

A business plan came into play soon after.

“You will never go wrong doing what you like to do, rather than a job you have to do,” she said. “That for me is motivation.”

Inspired by her three children, Madison “M,” Andru “A” and Dominic “D,” Maddippers was created.

Her home-based business has now delivered over 3,400 strawberries to customers in Stockton and surrounding areas.

She has produced designs for occasions such as weddings, baby showers and, of course, Valentine’s Day.

There is also a “Just for the Cause” package where your strawberries will display the ribbon color of your cause (breast cancer awareness, etc.) and 20-percent of the proceeds are donated to that charity.

Business at the moment fluctuates due to holiday demands, but Maydahl has high hopes that her business will flourish into something even greater in time.

“I find as long as I produce high quality product, cheap prices, outstanding customer service, and a satisfied customer base, your business will do nothing but grow,” she said.

For more information about Maddippers, visit maddippers.com or email Maydahl at maddippers@yahoo.com.