Communications between clubs has been difficult in recent semesters mainly due to a lack of an Active Clubs List, but that’s changing thanks to a Facebook page established this semester.
Without an Active Clubs List it is hard for clubs to get in touch to coordinate events or get updates on how clubs are doing.
To solve this problem the Vice-President of the Inter-Club Council (ICC) Diana Akbari has taken it upon herself to give clubs a way to mix, mingle and update one another between ICC meetings.

She has created a Facebook group for the ICC.
“I wanted people to know what was going on with other clubs,” said Akbari. “Everyone is on Facebook. And it has already been really effective.”
Within two days of creation, the Facebook group had more than 60 friends.
These friends are not limited to club presidents or ICC representatives.
Regular club members or any Delta student who just wants to know what is going on around campus are encouraged to join.
One of the first things Akbari did with the new Facebook group was schedule a club member mixer.
The mixer was on March 10 and gathered members from a wide range of clubs.
Members from the Delta Microscopy Society, Writers Guild, Alpha Rho Tau and Delta Fencing were some of the clubs members who attended.
Patrice Burke, associated student body president, is also pleased to see that clubs are reaching out to one another.
“When we work together, everything gets better,” said Burke.
Director of Student Affairs Aja Butler agreed.

“This is a good way for everyone to connect,” she said. “This is exactly what we all needed to release any tensions.”
Student club members can join the group for more information.
Find the group on Facebook by searching for “SJDC ICC.”