Delta responds to concerns about sending campus-wide emails


Students are not receiving proper emails informing them of campus events or happenings said Associated Student Body Government President Patrice Burke.

“Student Body’s job is to get students to the community,” she said.

“But how am I supposed to do that with twenty-thousand or so students?”

Burke said that the ASBG currently doesn’t have the authority to issue emails directly to students through campus wide addresses.
This means many students are left in the dark when it comes to surveys, school presidential interviews and parking fee hikes.

Because of the process that regulates emails, a student could obtain an important email at an inconvenient time. On Feb. 28 an email was sent at 2:27 p.m. regarding a change in library circulation procedures that would go in affect the very next day.

The email contains information for students that owe $5 or more in library fees whom will not be allowed to use Internet-access to computers or be able to check out any library materials.

Users will have to use a library card for service, and users will pay a $2 fee for library card replacements. Information, that Burke said, could be vital to students.

“If they (ASBG) had the ability to send emails all the time it would create traffic,” said Mathew Wetstein, Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness.

“Student Body is not the college,” said Wetstein. “And it would be a courtesy to let them freely send out emails.”

A courtesy that’s “not sufficient,” he said.
There is no policy forcing Delta to email students of recent events or changes to school rule, but in the California Code of Regulations it states that governing board would adopt policies and procedures to help students participate effectively in district and college governance.

In the Education Code 70060 the governing board must recognize each associated student organization.

But communication between the Student Body and the School Board isn’t connecting.

“We need to find a way to come together (ASBG and the Delta School Board) so that we can make sure students are informed,” said Burke.

Wetstein on the other hand believes that Student Body needs to use the resources they have for disposal such as Facebook or collecting a captive audience in the quad.

“There’s a way to do that information flow, and they’re not advocating it,” said Wetstein.