LETTER: Campus should take pride in Men in Black Conference



I want to thank Gwendolyn Primous, president of San Joaquin Delta College Black Student Union, and Sister Diana Murphy, for both, inviting me, and the extraordinary Men in Black Conference, convened on April 12 at Danner Hall.

San Joaquin Delta College can take pride in the conference that was held addressing issues/concerns/responsibility of men, in character, and their role as a person in today’s society.

The presentation by each speaker was educational and relevant, with message of family values.

I was further moved and touched by the humble service of the women, who were beautiful in the splendor star of their presence.

As an alumni of San Joaquin Delta College, and the walk of life I strive to live in guidance of the Spirit of the Higher Authority I was moved, touched, and fulfilled to have been a part of this experience.

San Joaquin Delta College/ Black Student Union are to be commended for a conference well done.

Again, my personal thanks to Sister Diana Murphy for the consideration in invitation.


The Rev. Willie A. Douglas

African American Chamber of Commerce of San Joaquin County, Stockton Black Family Day, Inc., California State Conference NAACP, Black League of Voters