Nation finds solace in ‘new reality’ without bin Laden


I sat glaring aimlessly over my sixth grade U.S. history text, not knowing the news in the following minutes would crumble the infrastructure of our national security.

Word spread. Teachers hurried from one classroom to the next announcing what had taken place, enveloping the school in chaos unmatched by anything I’ve yet to experience.

A reality so frightening, so hellish for all, let alone a child, was confirmed by one single word — terror.

The memory of Sept. 11, 2001 thrives beyond the  years of my adolescence. We, as a nation, heard the fateful words of vindication on May 1. Words many thought would never come — Osama bin Laden is dead.

For what seemed like moments stuck in time, as a country, and more importantly, as a global community we breathed as one.

Losing sight of the petty politics, we found solace in the words of our Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama.

Confirming the end of a near decade-long fight to bring justice to each life lost. Obama, although quick to point out the ongoing mission to eliminate al Qaeda, addressed his global audience with a presence of victory.

Red, white and blue spewed from our entirety, flooding the nation in a state of patriotism not seen since that dark September day.

An ironic similarity, isn’t it? For me, the fact that both in moments of heartache and euphoria our country can unite, brings about a sense of understanding for what America truly is.

Not just what I’ve been taught or the gravity of what I’ve lived through in my short time on earth, but the soul to a nation. United we stand.

Against persecution, adversity, or global terrorism American’s have proven themselves an entity that demands justice for all.

An idea that has grown roots in the Middle East with extremist ideology crumbling by the bravery and sacrifices of the regions people.

United they stand, for their struggle remains in the cross hairs of gunfire, yet still as a people the need for change is greater than loss of life.

Osama bin Laden was an individual of terror, killing thousands of lives without the slightest regard for humanity.

I wish I could say no amount of death is worth another life lost, but I can’t.

People have called this victory closure, however, with  all respect, that seems a disservice to not only the lives lost but their families as well; and for all Americans for that matter.

Until our last days on earth we will hold with us the images of plunging bodies and collapsing buildings.

Wives remain without husbands, husbands without wives, children without parents.

Nothing will take back that wretched day, but as we enter into this new reality let us be thankful for the justice that has prevailed and cherish the days ahead, as we are that much closer in easing the fears that remain innate within us all since that symbolic day of terror.