Campus police offer holiday safety tips


With the holiday season comes a need to be more aware of your surroundings, specifically to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

In the current economy, crime rates are worse than normal.

San Joaquin Delta College Police Sgt. Mario Vasquez has a few tips to keep yourself, and your belongings safe this winter season:

1. This may seem obvious, but be aware of your surroundings. Watch out especially for people who do not look like they are students.

2. Don’t carry large amounts of cash in your purse or wallet, and keep the purse size to a minimum. Large purses can be easier to grab.

3. Never leave any personal property unattended anywhere on campus.

4. Lock your vehicle at all times, when leaving it unattended to go to class and again once you get inside your vehicle to leave.

5. Never leave anything of value in your car, such as a purse, keys, books, laptop, stereo face or a GPS device.

6. Walk in groups after leaving class, and do not socialize in the parking lot, especially during the evening hours.

7. Remember your keys can be used for your protection.

8. The campus police are available 24-hours a day, all seven days of the week for escorts to your car and encourage all to call them immediately for help.

9. Program the number (209) 954-5000 into your phone under “aadeltapd” so it appears No. 1 on your contact list.

10. Have your phone out and ready to dial (209) 954-5000 in case of an emergency.