Debit card based financial aid system introduced


This semester, Delta College distributed new financial-aid-based debit cards called the MySJDCCard.
Students who receive financial aid through the campus will be given benefits on the card instead of the old check format. The debit card can be used to purchase school supplies and other necessary items.
“The new system has been working very smoothly since implementation and we have very little feedback from our students,” said Denise Donn, director of the Financial Aid and Veterans services office.
Donn said the only problem the office has had so far were issue of students not updating their addresses so the card went to their old addresses.
“These students were simply requesting another card to the new addresses. This was easy for our office to accommodate; however once the card has been activated, the students need to work with Higher One for address changes and any of their other banking issues,” she said.
Scholarship awards will still be issued as paper checks.
“This is a more efficient process where students can get their money quicker and not have to wait for the ‘check in the mail,’” said Donn. “It also allows a lot of students who have not opened a banking account in the past; the opportunity to have a free checking account.”
With these complicated fiscal times, the last thing a student needs is to be waiting for a financial aid check to come in the mail.
“Even though the new way is faster I prefer the old way,” said student Fred Brown, noting restrictions on the amount that can withdrawn in one day and the ease in which people can overdraw.
Students must keep in mind that there is a transaction fee at most places. Pay attention to the fine print.
Donn offers this advice for students: “Swipe and Sign” for purchases by saying “debit” and do not withdraw all of the money at once. Only use the funds as you need them. Also keep track of your balances by simply logging into your account. It is really quite easy and convenient.”