Degree planning tool website withdraws partnership request

0 has withdrawn its request for a pilot agreement with Delta College.
The reasons for this withdrawal are not certain.
According to Admissions and Records Director Catherine Mooney,’s request for withdrawal was in the company’s best interest.
“[The withdrawal] will give them time to refine their product for community college users and to incorporate input provided by product users,” said Mooney.
Michael Kerns, vice president of student services, said he didn’t know specifically why the company decided to withdraw.
“I was not made aware of any specific reason [for the withdrawal],” said Kerns. “But I believe it was due to the feedback received.”
Mooney said the company has received a lot of input from Delta College students and staff to help improve the product.
“They are going to ask our faculty to continue to provide feedback on the improvements they make,” said Mooney. “They are also interested in a focus group of students in the fall semester to provide input from the student’s perspective.”
In this way, Mooney said  with the continued feedback from faculty and students, the product will continue to improve as well as address the legitimate concerns expressed by faculty concerning grades and comments.
Even though the partnership is canceled, is still available online for students to use at their convenience.
“Keep in mind that is working closely with the Chancellor’s Office on CCC for the Virtual Campus,” said Mooney. “This relationship and product development will continue whether or not Delta College has a Pilot Site Agreement with”