Student earns Pre-Med summer internship at UC Davis


Jason Compton is a current Delta College student who has been accepted to the UC Davis Department of Surgery Pre-Medical Summer Internship program for this coming summer.

The program begins May 18 and lasts until sometime in August.

Compton said that getting into the program was extremely difficult.

“I had to complete a curriculum vitae, write 11 essays, get at least one letter of recommendation and do a formal interview,” said Compton.

Barbara Demmons, an organic chemistry teacher here at Delta was the one who wrote his letter of recommendation and was one of his main inspirations for pursuing applying to the program.

“One of my favorite classes here at Delta was (Barbara Demmons’) organic chemistry class.”

Some of Compton’s other favorite classes are physiology, figure drawing with Mario Moreno, a painting instructor here at Delta and numerous music courses that he has taken.

It may seem odd that a pre-med hopeful like Compton would be interested in art and music courses.

However what most people do not know is that Compton actually started out as an art major and has since switched to biochemistry with a minor in art.

Compton also used to have long hair up until he cut it for his interview; he was also in a few bands as a vocalist and sports a large tattoo on his forearm, which he will have to cover during his internship.

Art and music have had a huge impact on his life. He has taken art classes for two years at Delta.

“My art helps me in a lot of my other classes, it helps me to visualize things in a new way,” said Compton.

Compton actually has a painting that is currently on display in the Horton Art Gallery on campus.

“Somniphobia” is the title of this work, which is the fear of sleep.

“Ironic since it seems doctors never sleep,” said Compton.

When asked how Compton made the choice between art and medicine, he replied “I have more passion for medicine, especially surgical oncology.”

Many of Compton’s family members have dealt with cancer.

“I have the most passion for this field and have seen what an impact the doctors have on the patients from first-hand experience,” said Compton.

Following the summer internship program, which consists of picking a seven hour shift to work side by side with a surgeon on, Compton hopes to get into medical school at UC Davis.

However he is not limiting himself to just one school.

“I plan to apply to UCSF, Harvard, UCLA and UC Merced as well,” said Compton. “I am looking forward to seeing if the life of a surgeon is right for me; so many aspects of medicine interest me.”

Compton said he will miss Delta because of the memories he has made here but will particularly miss the instructors who have made such an impact on his life but he can’t wait to start a new life at Davis.

“It takes a special kind of person to become a surgeon, you have to be 100% sure, be passionate and make a lot of personal sacrifices,” said Compton.