Collegian says Happy Holidays


As Delta says goodbye to 2012 and embraces the
new year, our staff wants to thank our loyal readers

It’s been a wild ride this year.
We’ve seen our school president fired. We saw Dr. Kathy Hart move into the position.

One trustee retired. Three were reelected. And a new face joined the board.

Even ASBG has been switching out leadership roles.

As power was being shifted, a lethal blow was made to  Delta’s budget.

Thanks to Prop. 30, the hit was weakened.

We watched the math and science building reveal what it has to offer, and when the finishing touches are made, you can bet we’ll be there to cover it.

Even the world around Delta has seen drastic changes.

Stockton filed for bankruptcy, cutting back funding for our local police department, something the city doesn’t need with a homicide rate rising.

We were also around for the 2012 general election, and though our newsroom was politically divided, we worked together to share a fair opinion.

As the 99-percent floated around our city, we were there, looking for the perspective of our students.

There are a lot of events that happened this year.

There’s a lot we’ve covered.

But just as important as the staff we send out, are the readers on campus that keep themselves informed.

Even though the product we make is free, we are motivated to produce content that our readers want to know.

And for that, we want to thank you for your support.

Now is the time to celebrate, a time of the year we can just let go.

After finals are all over, students at Delta College can just cut loose and sit in their La-Z-Boy chairs while drinking eggnog.

It’s time to be with your family and friends.

Go out and buy yourself something nice, material things shouldn’t be the focus of your life, but once in a while you have to be selfish and only care about yourself.

Go to a bar or spa, see the world.

Because after the holidays, the troubles of 2013 are just around the corner. But we’ll be here to cover all the news we can.

From the Collegian to you: Happy Holidays.