Film and television producer returning to Delta


Marsha Posner Williams will be visiting Delta College once again this March. The RTV Department is excited to welcome back an established TV/Film Producer, willing to give career advice, listen to students and critique demo reels.

With new students enrolled in RTV courses this semester, the opportunity to meet Williams may be just the inspiration some students who feel uncertainty need, in pursuing a career in the industry. It is expected that she will announce that another MPW scholarship is up for grabs, to a dedicated RTV student.

The Delta College RTV Department is one of the few Radio/Television programs still standing at California Community Colleges.

“For some serious TV/Film students, the opportunity to meet, network with, and learn from multiple Emmy winner Williams will be a positive life altering experience,” said William Story, instructor of RTV. “Besides sharing her wealth of knowledge about working in film and television, she inspires students to achieve their career goals with motivational lectures and one-on-one discussions.”

Several RTV students have developed personal relationships with Williams and have been able to stay in contact with her via Facebook/email and video chat.

In May 2012, Williams spent time getting to know a few RTV students as they greeted her at the airport and served as an escort to her hotel.

As a special guest at Media Fest last year, she awarded the first ever MPW Scholarship in the amount of one-thousand dollars to winner Shallena Johnson. During her visit, she also looked at projects and socialized with students who have an interest in production and film making.

The impact Williams has had on students in the RTV Department can be felt just by talking to some of the people that have been fortunate enough to interact with her.

“Each time seeing her is such a great opportunity because she always brings knowledge to a craft that I’m in,” said Miquan James, a student enrolled in RTV.

“Also, to see an executive producer… how often does that come around especially to Delta College or a community college in general?”
Williams is probably most known for her contribution as a producer on the 1980’s television show “The Golden Girls” but that’s not all she’s had her name attached to.

She’s written two books, “How to Get Even with Your Ex” (1987) and “How to Get Even with Your Exes” (1992). Mrs. Williams also made a contribution to “Night Court” (a popular show in the 80’s) as an executive producer, and as of 2000 she’s produced several health & fitness videos on Yoga and Pilates.

“When someone like Marsha comes to Stockton, and takes interest in Delta College students…somebody of her level of professionalism and somebody who has achieved the level of success that she has, is validating their dreams and that’s huge. You cannot put a price on how much that can mean to a student,” said Adriana Brogger, MCOM 2 instructor.