Single students connect on Valentine’s Day


‘Guess that Tune’ and match-making game, make up ASBG’s first College Hour

Delta College students who were ‘single and ready to mingle’ this Valentine’s Day may have found the dating scene on campus a little less daunting and a little more fun.

Associated Student Body Government (ASBG) representatives delved into the business of match making on Feb. 14 with a Love Connection College Hour event.

Students playing the  “love connection” in the quad on Feb. 14.
Students playing the “love connection” in the quad on Feb. 14. PHOTO BY CHRISTINA CORNEJO

Similar to the ‘80s television series, Love Connection, three candidates answered questions about their tastes and date ideas to win over the heart of a blindfolded single student.

Candidates gave responses ranging from the serious to humorous.

When asked what animal he would be, one student contestant replied: “A pit bull – I’d bite you and not let go.”

Airrianna Valentine was one of the blindfolded volunteers.

“It was really fun. There were a lot of different vibes, different people,” said Valentine.

However, game show-style match making isn’t the only reason students were drawn to the quad.

Groove Central, a local band, played instrumentals during the Love Connection and for a game of “Guess that Tune,” where people also had to sing along.

“I saw the band setting up and wanted to be a part of it,” said Robert Duran, also known as Afex 209. “I support good things.”

Duran performed a several songs for the crowd before the event hosts encouraged others to take a turn at the microphone.

Love Connection is part of a series of events that ASBG puts on every month, called College Hour.

“It’s a way for students to relax and unwind,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Elizabeth Landa.

While many enjoyed themselves out on the quad that day, perhaps the match making wasn’t as successful.

Valentine may have chosen contestant number three, but wasn’t expecting a date with him that night.

“He said he’d see me around, but he never gave me his number,” said Valentine.