Editorial: New building, old structure at center of campus debate


One way to know if someone is a Delta student is to ask them what they think about that building being constructed next to Cunningham.

The Math & Science Complex has become an elephant in the room on campus.

When a building so essential to the community is being built, normally the student population knows all about it.

We seem to know little about this new building. In fact, we feel there should be a “coming soon…ish” sign on the building.

The complex was supposed to be done at the beginning of the fall 2012 semester. Then the deadline was moved to this spring.

Construction, however, continues on the massive building, which will be replacing Cunningham.

Now, as it gets closer and closer to the new estimated date of use for the Math & Science  Complex, another issue is coming into play.

The Cunningham building is slated to be demolished once the new complex welcomes  faculty, staff and students.

Not everyone is happy with that decision.

Zack Prince, an adjunct instructor, and members of the campus Hip Hop Congress club are gathering signatures to prevent Cunningham from being torn down.

The petition asks, “the President, the Board of Trustees and the San Joaquin Delta College Citizens’ Oversight Committee to halt the demolition and re-consider ways that the Cunningham can be saved and restored.”

We believe trying to save the building is a lost cause. Staff members compared it to watching the movie “Titanic” for the first time and hoping the ship does not sink after it hits the iceberg.

The Cunningham building needs to be demolished; with the new building Delta will have too much instructional space. Before the Math & Science Complex began, Delta agreed to tear down the building in order to get matching funds for construction.

One argument Prince made in his petition is that the Cunningham building is a “well-built steel frame building.”

As students who have taken or are taking classes in Cunningham, we feel it needs to be removed.

There are some downsides to the new building, such as demolishing the planetarium or a student lounge. But who said student lounges are mandatory in colleges?

We still have the Locke and Shima lounge. We also have Danner.

The last reason on why preventing the demolition of the Cunningham building is pointless is because the project was the only way the new Math & Science Complex could be built is because of a state grant along with Measure L.

Delta knew Cunningham would have to come down at some point. This new push to save the building comes too little, too late.

We all believe the efforts to save Cunningham are honorable, but nothing lasts forever.