Financial aid standards are not enough


All Delta College students are required to take the assessment test before determining their entry level of English and math into the college class system.

Although the purpose of these tests is to evaluate the student’s overall performance, I believe there should be a limit for passing or failing the test, as a way to get students better prepared for college.

By giving students the opportunity to retake the test an unlimited amount of times, it seems that regardless of their score, upon the completion of the exam, most are eligible to receive financial aid.

It’s time for Delta to rethink its system and give financial aid to those who meet their standards and are serious about their ambitions.

I believe that students who score a high level on the assessment test deserve priority registration as well as financial aid because they will master the challenge of proving that they are at a college level.

The results should also determine whether or not the student will even qualify to be a “college student.”

Without any requirements, I feel many students don’t take the test seriously. It’s like taking a test in math and knowing that you are guaranteed to pass the class.

In that situation many wouldn’t even attempt to study, including myself.

When I entered Delta in Fall 2009, I was unaware of the exam scoring system. I was upset when I received a 3 in Math because I was told the highest was a 6.

I discovered however, that my 3 allowed me to skip over Math 80, and go straight into Math 82, intermediate algebra.

“Test scores and multiple measures are used to assign level placements and make course recommendations regardless of testing outcome,” says Patrick Caffrey, Supervisor of the Assessment Center.

Students who receive a low score on the assessment test will have to take lower-level classes, which means they have to stay at Delta longer and receive financial aid longer than those whose test results are higher.

Because Delta offers more math classes than English, the highest level of composition is 3.

I feel that’s a pretty low standard for English majors like myself.

When I get a 3, three years after graduating high school, than I believe that Delta needs to raise its standards.

I also believe that students should need to take the composition exam after taking an English course, as a sign that they have improved.

Adding more levels will also prepare them better for a four-year university and beyond.

We have already increased the levels for the math exam, so that we can better understand the level that students are at.

Why can’t we do the same for English courses?