Will the real hipsters please stand up


The term “hipster” has become generalized as a trend in the Delta college community. As of late we see more and more students donning clothing from thrift stores and vintage boutiques, or so we think. In actuality mainstream consumers are striving to achieve this look from popular clothing franchises such as Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and American Eagle.

The hipster look is classified as tight jeans, throwback sneakers, plaid shirts, thick-rimmed glasses, beanies, Toms shoes, handle bar mustaches, side-swept bangs and ankle cleavage.
Being a hipster is much more than a trending fad, it’s a lifestyle. The subculture has been around for years.

Tiffany Pech, a 19-year-old Delta College freshman, doesn’t classify herself.

“It’s just another label for people, but I don’t really care. The word hipster doesn’t bother me,” she said. Often times real hipsters get offended by the categorization, but Pech does not.

“It’s kind of weird that it (hipsters) got popular, they dress the style but get it at like Forever 21 or something,” said Pech.

Thrifting is a staple for hipsters, and not just to look cool as Macklemore’s popular song “Thrift shop” has made it.

“Come on I’ve been poppin’ tags forever, and now you want to pop tags with me,” said Pech laughing. “Didn’t see many people popping tags in high school.”

Pech has a unique style which many may say is hipster, but is unique and definitive.

“I do thrift I’ve been doing it since high school, but personally I’m just a broke college student,” said Pech.  “And it’s like treasure hunting digging through the trash to find the treasure.”

There are many other stigmas to being a hipster, such as: they all ride bikes, eat organic food, work at coffee shops, and love Indie bands-and underground artists.

Although a majority of stigmas can hold truth, it is not something which true “hipsters” seek out, it is a general belief of their intellectual personalities.

“Riding bikes, for instance, not all people do it to be cool or eco-friendly,” said Pech. “Most of us just don’t have money for gas, and it’s an easy way to get around.”

She has worked at Empresso coffee shop located on Miracle Mile for about two years.

“This place is hipster central,” said Pech. Many of her friends visit Empresso on a regular basis. The low-lighting, and vintage feel gives a relaxed vibe,  as well as the cool Indie tunes.

Pech is also majoring in art, and one of her pieces is on Exhibit in the L.H. Horton Gallery.

Certain stereotypes of a hipster hold truth for Pech, but it is not something she is trying to achieve it is a natural part of life for her. “I’m just myself, I’m not trying to be cool or anything,” she said.

Today the hipster lifestyle is trending, but let’s see how long it lasts for the trend followers. For Pech, it is a lasting form of her natural being.