Measure A, B could offer solutions to Stockton’s debt, criminal issues


Stockton voters will have some very important decisions to make on the upcoming November  ballot.

If approved, Measure A will raise sales taxes in the city of Stockton 3/4 of a cent. Measure B gives voters the chance to give their opinion on what the Measure A tax raise will be used for.

A “Yes” on Measure B voices the opinion that voters would, or would not like, 65 percent of the funds to go towards paying for law enforcement and crime prevention services. The remaining 35 percent would refill the cities general fund, in an effort to end bankruptcy.

“The proposed transactions and use (sales) tax is a general tax because the City can use the tax revenue for any legal municipal purpose. As explained in the ballot question, the City may use the tax revenue for public safety services (including ‘Stockton’s Marshall Plan on Crime’), parks maintenance, library services, roadway and street-tree maintenance, and other governmental purposes, including payment of lawful debts.” According to city attorney John Luebberke’s analysis of Measure A on the ballot.

This means that the city can legally use the funds for any legal purpose, even if measure B is passed. The city can legally put a measure, like Measure B, on the ballot to get voter opinion on an issue.

“The results of this advisory vote are not controlling on the City, but may prove helpful in communicating the will of the voters to the City Council when making decisions concerning how funds from Measure A will be spent,” according to Luebberke.

One student said the city can’t be trusted.

“Regardless of if it gets passed or not, the city is going to use it for what they want. Unless it’s in writing, in a legally binding document, I personally wouldn’t trust city of Stockton. As a student, I would rather take my chances paying taxes as they are. I don’t trust the city” said Daniel Martinez, 19, a Delta College student.

A post on Mayor Anthony Silva’s Facebook reassured voters and residents.

“As ‘The Peoples Mayor’ you can be guaranteed that I will keep a close eye on this tax revenue if it passes. It will be spent on police and economic recovery and that is it!” the post said.

Sergeant Geff Greenwood of the campus police said if both measures pass the campus will become safer by “reducing the number of crimes that happen around the perimeter of the campus, that tend to spill over onto the campus.”