Downtown center celebrates the dead

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS: A girl looks at an ofrenda dedicated to Frieda Kahlo. PHOTO BY SANTANA JUACHE

On Oct. 11, Stockton’s Mexican Heritage Center held an opening reception for its Dia de los Muertos exhibit.

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS: A girl looks at an ofrenda  dedicated to Frieda Kahlo. PHOTO BY SANTANA JUACHE
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS: A girl looks at an ofrenda
dedicated to Frieda Kahlo. PHOTO BY SANTANA JUACHE

“The Day of the Dead celebration is one of our bigger events. Some of the altars that are up are from local youth groups and then some of our board members have also put altars up to commemorate their families,” said Nicki Smith, a member.

The center will host a Dia de los Muertos celebration on Nov. 2.

Smith said anyone can put up an altar. Those wishing to participate must register and pay $25.

Besides the Day of the Dead celebration, the center also hosts an art exhibit, usually made up of local artwork.

This year’s featured artist is Peter Perez. The Bay Area artist has had exhibits in Boston and Australia, according to Smith.

The center also hosts the annual Adelita Awards, which recognize successful women in the community, as well as hosting a Cesar Chavez breakfast. There are workshops and folkloric classes held every Tuesday and Thursday.Membership is $25 a year.

The center is a non-profit. It relies solely on volunteers.

“We have monthly meetings. You can come and express your opinion on what you think on what would help enhance our mission, which is to maintain our culture here in the community,” said Smith.


The center is open 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. It is located at 111 S. Sutter St. in downtown Stockton.