Dr. Kathy Hart, President/Superintendent of Delta College, received the Athena Award at the Stockton Golf and Country Club on Nov. 21.
“The Athena Award was inspired by the goddess of Greek mythology known for her strength, courage, and wisdom,” states the awarding organization.
It’s not only a prestigious award for women making a difference in their communities, but also, contributing to progress life quality and impact individuals every day.
Hart was nominated for the award by the Stockton Chamber of Commerce, women’s organizations and former Athena Award recipients in the Stockton area.
Former Athena Award recipients came into her office as a surprise to notify her of the honor.
“A group of them came to tell me I’ve been selected so that was great,” said Hart.
Receiving the honor for women advancement is an award that is humbling for Hart.
Her advice for women or men in our college community was heavy in motivation and seeking help.
“One, I think women and men need to identify role models who may be women, and may be men that exemplify people they want to be like, it also relates to finding a role model in the occupation you may want,” said Hart.
With heavy work ethic throughout Hart’s life, education came to the forefront.
Hart attended Purdue University, and received her undergraduate degree in English and education.
Hart then pursued her masters at Boling Green State, and received her Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in higher education and administration.
Prior to earning her Ph.D., Hart earned had her masters and was Director of Freshman English at Bowling State.
In 1986 she inherited money from two older cousins and wanted to go back to school.
“I loved my job then but will I love it in 20 years,” said Hart.
Hart decided after Michigan State her heart was in education and administration. In 1994 she became Assistant Division Chair of Communication skills at Delta. In 2000 Hart was promoted to the Division Chair.
Hart was promoted to acting superintendent/president in 2012. She officially took the position later that year.
Hart has worked her way up in education and administration. All the while using her influence and knowledge to help others.
“One thing that’s interesting about that is it’s hard to be an internal candidate, everyone knows you,” said Hart. “I had to be prepared and never wanted people to think I was going to be handed the job, and I wanted everyone to know I don’t take things for granted.”
Hart continues to inspire those women and student around her, and is heavily engaged in the Stockton community and many of its foundations and organizations.
One note Hart emphasized student’s to take to mind is: “Don’t sit around waiting for someone to come and ask if you need help, actively pursue people who can help you and ask them for help.”