Weirdest Christmas flicks of all time


It’s Christmastime and that means holiday movies invading every television network in existence.

I am a movie buff and naturally I have a list of my favorite films: “A Christmas Story,” the disgustingly adorable “Love Actually” or Bill Murray’s “Scrooged.”

This year I decided what would be fun and different is to compile a list of not-so-traditional holiday movies. These movies take place at Christmas but don’t trouble themselves with issues of yuletide cheer.


One of the best action movies ever made takes place at Christmastime for thematic reasons sure, with the subtext of the hero

John McClaine coming to Los Angeles to see his estranged wife in hopes of spending the holiday with her and their children.

I really think its at the most wonderful time of the year so it can have this line of dialogue: “Now I have a machinegun. Ho, Ho, Ho.”


Nothing screams Christmas cheer like a prostitute taking a swan dive out a high rise, a conspiracy involving the import/export of heroin, a suicidal cop partnered with one ready to retire and torture via Gary Busey.

It counts because of all the Christmas music permeating throughout.


The film parents weren’t sure to let their children watch with it’s bizarre mix of  cute, fuzzy creatures and creepy demonic looking little cretins with a penchant for Snow White and causing tons of property damage.

This movie gets kudos for being PG rated and including little monsters getting thrown into blenders, microwaves, decapitated or full on melted, while Johnny Mathis’ “Do You Hear What I Hear” plays in backround.


Possibly the darkest of all the Batman films, which is no small feat. This showcases an absurd and often grotesque carnival of people with weird animal motifs prancing about in rubber costumes while snow blankets Gotham City.

The film’s story, music and performances gives off an opera vibe. In the end it was just funny given how adult this film was to see

Mc Donald’s try to sell happy meals promoting it.


I saved the absolute best for last. This 1974 cult horror classic about a nutter preying on a sorority house on Christmas Eve was directed by Bob Clark who also ironically directed “A Christmas Story” later in life. It’s the most insane double feature imaginable.