Two Little Lines: Online classes offer benefits to pregnant students


Heidi Sharp, 22, is a part-time Delta College student and part-time barista at your favorite coffee shop. She married her high school sweetheart, Wesley, in 2012. The same year, the couple purchased their first home in Stockton. They’ve been parents to three fish, two cats and dog. Now, thanks to two little lines on a pregnancy test, the Sharp’s are expanding in July.

I have never been pregnant before, so my experiences everyday with this “condition” bring new surprises.

Like an aching back.

Or sciatic nerve pain.

I am, however, going to share a magical tool that I discovered while thinking about all the walking that is required  at Delta College.

Online Classes.

They are done at your leisure, and as long as the assignment is in before the deadline, there is no being late to class.

There are no uncomfortable chairs to sit in, or hope you fit in!

Also, dealing with changes  in a pregnant body (sometimes embarrassing) can be dealt with in the privacy of one’s own home.

The best part is the frequent bathroom breaks, which must be taken in (yikes) bathrooms at Delta. Even though the bathrooms have been renovated, it is still not your own bathroom.

I suppose online classes could be a benefit to anyone who is uncomfortable, for any reason, in a school setting.

For pregnant women especially, however, at least some online classes are a must to avoid those swelling feet!

I realize that pregnant women should be exercising, but walking between classes, sometimes upstairs, and getting all sweaty during school doesn’t sound like good exercise to me.

The good news is that Delta offers many online classes in different fields. Obviously certain classes can’t be taken online, such as lab classes for science. Almost all my business classes, which are very popular, are offered online at one point or another.

Every online classes I have “attended” has been well-structured and easy to follow.

The teachers are helpful and offer office hours if one really needs to meet.

Personally, I will avoid campus as much as possible if I have the option!

I consider it a blessing to have such technology at my disposal to make being a pregnant student much easier.